About the DDA
The Delhi Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping Delhi Township businesses and the community prosper together.
Coordinating a wealth of resources, the DDA creates an unparalleled environment for businesses and residents to thrive. This includes creating partnerships, networking, fostering community involvement, supporting activities and developing promotional opportunities. Furthermore, the DDA focuses on better the overall community by providing funding for several community projects, like the Sam Corey Senior Center, the Holt Farmers’ Market, new parks and local festivals.
With the help of the DDA, both large and small Delhi Township businesses collaborate on ideas, make an impact on local government and improve the business climate in the Township.
In 2018, the Michigan Legislature passed Public Act 57, a recodification of several Acts that specify the requirements of tax increment finance authorities (downtown development authorities). The links below contain documents that are required by Part 9 of Public Act 57.